
Class 3: Planning Sketches

Planning sketches for FLAMES:


Class 2: Session 5 Planning for Jump

Planning sketches for my Jump assignment:


Class 2: Session 2 Planning for Turn Around

Here is my planning sketches for the 180 turn around:


Session 2: Walk Cycles with Personality

Here I explored some possibilities for my personality walk cycle:


Class 1: Session 8 STRENTH Pose

Here are my sketches for strength:

Here is my 3D pose:


Class 1: Balance Poses

Here are my sketches for this weeks expression Balance:

And here is the 3D Pose:


Class 1: Session 7 Planning Sketches

Here are some planning sketches for two different assignments. The first one you see if for a ball with one leg that jumps across the screen. The bottom sketches are planning for a ball with a tail (kind of like a squirrel) jumping across the screen.


Class 1: Session 6 Planning Sketch

Here is my planning for a pendulum that moves around in a figure 8. It was fun figuring out how direction and speed can effect the pendulum.


Class 1: Session 5 Ball Cource Planning

Here is my planning sketch for the ball course:


Class 1: Session 5 DEVASTATION Pose

Here are my sketches for devastation:

And here is my 3D pose:


Class 1: Session 4 Planning Sketches for Bouncing Balls

Here are my planning sketches for a light and heavy ball and how they react differently when bouncing and contacting other objects.


Class 1: Session 3 Bouncing Ball Sketch

Here is my planning for a bouncing ball. It's harder then it looks!


Class 1: Session 3 EXCITED Sketches

This weeks expression is: Excited

And here is the 3D pose:

Class 1: Session 2 Final Pose

Here is Stu posed out telling a story.

Class 1: Session 2 Sketches

These are some sketches and silhouettes I did of, what I thought, were some interesting poses.