
Class 4: She Hit Me! - Blocking Plus

Here is my blocking plus. I have made some changes to the acting and also added some more keys to smooth the movements out. The mouth is also blocked out to get some kind of idea what that will be looking like. I also took the first two shots into 1st Pass Polish.

I am happy with my progress and how it is looking so far. It will be interesting to see how this shot looks in a couple of weeks!


Class 4: Expressions

These are expressions I took from photo to 3D:


Class 4: She Hit Me! - Layout

My next AM assignment is a 2 character dialogue shot. I found some great lines and I narrowed it down to this one. I really like it, it's been a lot of fun so far! I think the contrast in characters is really great and the confusion and slap is hilarious!

This is my Layout Pass:

Here is my animatic/thumbs I did before my 3D version:

and thumbnails:



I did this piece last weekend as kind of a skill-speed piece. I wanted to see what I could do in a limited amount of time. I am really happy with it! Here it is...